Sunday 4 January 2009


Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2009. We are in the United States of America for the holidays at our house in Florida. I am loving every minute of it so much! It is warm, sunny and very happy here. Everyday since we arrived has been this way. I am blessed and grateful to have celebrated the holidays with all my children under one roof and my parents as well. It has been great. Now it is the New Year and today Andrew has had to fly back to London to work for the month of January & February. I have stayed behind here at the house with Anna Claire until we are ready to make our move now to PARIS FRANCE!! YES, the Tall Man has accepted the job in Paris and we are waiting for them to get us all set up!! There was no reason for me to get back to England and sit there in that house for 5 weeks, I would rather be here in Sunny Florida, walking the beaches, and getting things straightened out in the house.

We are greatly looking forward to our adventure of moving to Paris France for 3 years!! I can't wait for Anna Claire to learn the language and since she is just 2 years old, these will be very important years for her and of course all of us!! I will be learning the French language as well. Since the Tall Man is the only one that will be in the house speaking French it will be quite interesting.

My blogging this spring will be about our adventures of an expat family moving to France, getting settled and finding our way around. I will be writing about my ups & downs and finding my way through a beautiful city!! I am not quite sure yet if we will take a flat apartment right in the city OR if we settled into a home in the countryside outside of Paris!!

If there is anyone out there that has some experience getting to France with their kids, being an expat I would love to hear from you. I usually spend a great deal of time on the computer, learning and gaining any knowledge that I can find.

For now, I am very blessed and grateful for our New Year of 2009, and I am so looking forward to our newest journey that we are about to embark on. Join us for some fun reading and I am sure lots of laughs.

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