Monday 10 November 2008

Autumn Walk on the Snicket

How many of my fellow American's have heard of taking a walk on the "SNICKET"? I am sure not too many from where I come from. When we moved into this house in the South Yorkshire part of England, a friendly neighbor came by to check in on us. She assured me that she would love to show me how to walk. Well, I certainly know how to walk, and where would I be walking to? EVERYONE walks here in Dore England. They walk to catch the bus ( you ride for free if you are 60 yrs. of age), the train, you walk to get your newspaper, talk to the vegetable man and of course do your shopping for the days meal. Then you walk home. However, you take these little path ways that are label "PUBLIC FOOTPATH" & then you find your way along. Well, I decided that I would venture out on my own with the "PUSHCHAIR" (baby stroller in America) -- and find my way.

Little did I know or was I aware that you need a small lesson in walking around here. When you start on one footpath it takes you to a road and then what I say, where do I go now? Everything is hidden and you have to look which way you think the path will go. Also, it's all uphill, down a hill, around a bend, and of course you have to get around all those high hedges everywhere, it truly is like taking a walk in a maze. Well, you have to walk on a small sidewalk to find the next footpath, then the next and so on.

As I found my way up into our little village of Dore. You will find exactly one butcher shop, one bakery, one cafe, a post office, a pharmacy, a flower shop, and then the vegetable and fruit man's stand. A pub that you can eat at if the time is right! Not between 2pm-5pm. I completed my walk back and found my way home.

Shortly after I arrived back home, my bell rang. Yes, it was the nice neighbor down the way checking in on me. I told her that I took a lovely walk up the hill into the village. She replied, and said "OH, you found your way along the 'SNICKETS". I said, excuse me, What? I took the pathways and she said, Yes, those are the snickets that I was going to show you. So there you go, I now know how tricky it can be to find your way through the snickets.

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