Wednesday 19 November 2008


The season is upon us and it is a time that I look back and reflect over all the things, people, places that I am most grateful for. I do this every year at Thanksgiving time, even though I am in England and there isn't an American Thanksgiving here to celebrate, I have this place to write about my most grateful gifts that God has bestowed upon me.

It has been quite a year for us AGAIN! We had a wonderful weekend in the English countryside and I will post some photos of our time here today. First off, I am most grateful for our precious Anna Claire who turned 2 years old on the 31st of October. Yes, Halloween day and she is such a "treat" for us. A true miracle, nothing like it. She is a very special little girl and she gives me strength, faith and hope each day. For what she has been through is an amazing defeat! I can't believe it's been 1 year since her open heart surgery. She is growing and doing very well. We will have more hurdles to jump over, however, we are very good at going above, around, through and beyond anything that comes at us!! So I am most grateful for God being at our side so we can do this and be here for our Anna Claire.

I am most grateful for my husband, who provides for us, cares for us, and takes such "GREAT" care of Anna Claire. He is truly the best father any child could have. He is the most patient man that I've ever met, very loving and protective. A simple, no non-sense man, filled with a great sense of adventure and dreams that you can't even imagine. The best part is he is now able to make all his dreams happen and I am grateful to be able to help him do this. It's important for a man to feel successful, to feel like a GREAT DAD and above all to be the "MAN" in the house. I love having a MAN in my house, he gives us a great sense of direction and if you listen carefully he won't ever steer you wrong. You have to be still..... shhhh.... and listen for a moment. You will truly be awarded.

We are blessed with good health, gorgeous children, that I can't wait to hug & kiss and enjoy our holidays with. Soon we will be back over in the United States of America to bask in the sunshine, hug our kids and play in the sand...... I am simply grateful for all these simple things in life that come our way......the simple things that are already there if you just sit still and take the time to find them and to listen..... nature, people and the sky are the most beautiful things that God has provided!! Love to you all at this special Thanksgiving Season. Take time to sit and think about the things that you are most grateful for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely...lovely! So good to see you blog this way babycakes. So good! Happy Thanksgiving week to you and your family.

With heart, Jenn